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The Son

123 minutes | Drama | Start: 26.01.2023 | USA/France 2022

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

Things couldn't be going better for New York lawyer Peter (Hugh Jackman). His career leaves nothing to be desired and he is happy with his partner Beth (Vanessa Kirby). This changes abruptly when one day his ex-wife Kate (Laura Dern) shows up at his door. She is full of worry about their son Nicholas (Zen McGrath). He skips school, is distraught and as if changed. He also no longer wants to live with his mother. Peter takes his son in and cares for him devotedly. Kate and Peter are determined to do everything they can to help their son. But will this be enough for a new beginning?

0 Seats selected

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

0 Seats selected
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