Coming soon
Walt Disney Animation Studios' epic animated musical VAIANA 2 takes movie audiences on an exciting new journey with headstrong heroine Vaiana, Maui and a brand new crew of unlikely sailors. After receiving an unexpected message from her ancestors, Vaiana must journey out onto the vast seas of Oceania and into dangerous, long-forgotten waters for an adventure unlike anything she has ever experience...
Songs in original version
In Mufasa: The Lion King, Rafiki tells the young lioness Kiara, daughter of Simba and Nala, the story of Mufasa's extraordinary rise to become King of the Consecrated Land. Rafiki is supported by Timon and Pumbaa, who contribute to the story with their unmistakable humor. We accompany the orphaned cub Mufasa, who is lost and alone until he meets the likeable heir to the throne, Taka. This fateful ...
Robbie Williams joins the boy band Take That at the age of just 16 and quickly becomes one of the biggest pop stars of his generation. But while his career soars, his life becomes an emotional rollercoaster. Between the highs of fame and the lows of self-doubt, he battles his drug addiction and personal crises. On the verge of a total breakdown, Robbie must decide whether to destroy himself or sum...