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The Brutalist

216 minutes | Drama | Start: 30.01.2025 | USA/Great Britain/Hungary 2024

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

In 1950s America, László Toth (Adrien Brody) dares to make a new start in Pennsylvania. A country that welcomes him on the one hand, but threatens his artistic integrity on the other. Left to his own devices, he tries to assert himself in his new home and rebuild his relationship with his wife Erzsébet (Felicity Jones), which has been severely tested by the war and the changing political regimes in Europe.
When the wealthy and prominent industrialist Harrison Lee Van Buren (Guy Pearce) recognizes Toth's talent as a master builder, he commissions him with a mammoth project: to build an institute consisting of a library, a sports hall, an auditorium and a chapel in honour of his beloved deceased mother.
Van Buren gave László the opportunity to realize his boldest dreams through monumental brutalist architecture with its clear lines and angular forms. But as a seemingly glorious partnership unfolds, László begins to falter: the price of power and legacy is high, and the dark legacy of V...

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Rating especially valuable3 OscarsWon 3 Golden Globes
0 Seats selected

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

0 Seats selected
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