The Click Trap

90 minutes | Spain, France 2024
Sa 19.10.


All FSK information is binding and cannot be revoked, except for the FSK "from 12 years" - in the company of persons responsible for education from 6 years. Cinema screenings with the FSK label "from 6 / 16 / 18 years" may still not be attended by younger children and adolescents. Not even in the company of persons with parental responsibility or parents. Please note that appropriate identification must be shown.


They have our data - and use it. Advertising algorithms now curate content precisely based on our preferences, age and relationship status. Large technology companies are making huge profits from this. But it's not just advertising that helps the business: spreading disinformation and hate is also very lucrative for tech and social media companies - and extremely dangerous for democracies. But where is the line between digital marketing and dangerous propaganda?

Sa 19.10.

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