The Basement by Roman Blazhan

78 minutes | Documentation | Ukraine 2024
Sa 26.10.


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With Q&A after the screening.

In cooperation with ARTE | Dark rooms, heavy doors. On the left are the names of the murdered, on the right those of the deceased. Children's paintings and prayers, despair echoes off the walls. In March 2022, Russian troops invaded the village of Yahidne. The residents were locked in the basement of the school, packed tightly together, for 27 days. Among them 77 children, the youngest just six weeks old. Too little water, too little air. Some lost hope, others lost their minds. The 51-year-old Olha kept a diary of the time as a testimony in case no one survived. When the Russian soldiers were driven out, the inhabitants rebuilt the village.


Ukrainian Film Festival

The Basement by Roman Blazhan

Sa 26.10.

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