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Northern Comfort

97 minutes | Drama / Comedy | Start: 12.10.2023 | Iceland/Great Britain/Germany 2023

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

Sarah is a London career woman in her forties who suffers from an uncontrollable fear of flying that she tells no one about. So that her planned vacation with her new boyfriend doesn't fall through, she secretly attends a course that is supposed to help her overcome her panic. But after the theory part comes the real test: before Sarah knows it, she's on a plane to Reykjavík with the inexperienced course instructor and a motley crew of fellow sufferers. As you might expect, the trip quickly gets out of hand.

Lydia Leonard, Timothy Spall and Ella Rumpf shine in this offbeat black comedy as an angst-ridden community of destiny. Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson's high-caliber ensemble film is great fun that astutely analyzes our society and shows that sometimes you have to let go together to take off.

0 Seats selected

This film is not shown in our current program

Our program for the cinema week starting on Thursday will be published each Monday afternoon

0 Seats selected
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