Petra Kelly - Act Now!

109 minutes | Documentation | Start: 12.09.2024 | Germany 2024


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Documentary about the political personality Petra Kelly, co-founder of the Green Party.

A fighter for peace without respect for conventions, an activist for the protection of the environment who was far ahead of her time.

Petra Kelly believed that one person could change the world. At the height of the arms race between East and West in the early 1980s, she brought hundreds of thousands onto the streets to protest against the stationing of nuclear missiles on West German soil. Petra Kelly became famous not only as a co-founder of the Green Party and its star, but also as a woman who was able to establish a new, world-changing policy and take on two superpowers.

She became a symbolic figure of the peace movement in Europe and was in contact with East German civil rights activists such as Wolf Biermann as well as international comrades-in-arms such as Joan Baez and the Dalai Lama. Already 40 years ago, she relentlessly demanded the radical transformation of society. Environmental, peace and human rights issues were equally important to her.


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