
105 minutes | Horror / Thriller | Start: 04.07.2024 | USA/Canada/New Zealand 2024
Tu 09.07.


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The last part of the X series, in which Maxine finally gets her chance in Hollywood. Ti West once again directs Mia Goth as an acting aspirant.

A long, bloody road to fame.
In the mid-1980s, porn star Maxine Minx (Mia Goth) finally gets her big break in Hollywood. But a mysterious private detective and the gruesome murders of a serial killer in her entourage ensure that her sinister past could come to light now of all times.
The murderous horror behind the headlines of the so-called “Texas Pornhouse Massacre”, which Maxine (Mia Goth) barely survived in X, is now just a dark memory in her rear-view mirror. She is now a sought-after porn actress and in 1985 she even gets the opportunity to make the leap to Hollywood and finally become...

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Tu 09.07.

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